Customers from the United States Visit Our Products Exhibition

Release: 2015-07-17 19:26:08 Editor:admin
July 5, 2015, our customers came to Zhengzhou Longer Machinery Co. Ltd. They took part in our products exhibition and wanted to buy a machine. They had understood our products on the website before they came here, and also talked to the clerk on the Internet.
For each client, we were also very serious. We had arranged their reception and accommodation before their arrival. Our reception staff had been readied to welcome our guests. When they came here, we went to the exhibition about our products. They asked some questions about our products, and then our staff made a detailed explanation so that our customers had an intuitive understanding of our products.
The last stop was the company's conference room. Customers said to our staff, they were appreciated and satisfied with the operation process with their own eyes in the hope that we could strengthen cooperation.

If you need the price of the machine,please feel free to submit your inquiry, we will reply you with detail ASAP.